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TurboClean™ collectors provide trouble-free vacuum system collection for a wide variety of materials. Reverse pulse jets from compressed air continuously clean the TurboClean™ cartridge filters. Pulse frequency and duration can be controlled manually or activated by pressure sensors and time.
TurboClean™ standard polyester DuraPleat filter elements are rated at 99.9% efficiency at 10 micron levels. Special PTFE coatings are available for sub-micron, hazardous, toxic, oily, or hydroscopic materials. Filter capacities from four 8" X 16" to thirteen 12" X 36". Reverse jet continuous cleaning, pleated cartridge filter elements, drum lid, and connective sleeve to the cone. Filter medias include poly-felt, spun-bounded, and PTFE membrane.
The inlet expansion chamber with an internal abrasion-resistant impingement plate maintains the proper entrance velocities. This results in longer filter life and optimum performance.
The rigid structural steel support frame is anchored securely and straddles a 55-gallon drum (not included). The controls are weather-tight allowing the TurboClean™ to be located outdoors. Available options include stainless steel construction, special coatings, discharge options, explosion vents, explosion isolation, extended sidewalls, photohelic gauges, and others.
ABOUT Hoffman™ and Lamson™
Hoffman™ and Lamson™ brands of centrifugal blowers and exhausters are among the many compressed air and gas technologies manufactured by Gardner Denver Inc.
Part of the Nash Division, they are American originals. Hoffman™ and Lamson™ brands have been setting industry standards for excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction for over 100 years. Lamson, established in 1880, and Hoffman, in 1905, are brands customers know and continue to trust.